TSITour Training Programme
A Training Programme including a Module on Project Development aiming at providing trainees with the proper tools to create, implement and evaluate a project on social inclusion of elderly people as volunteer “Local Storytellers”. The Programme is developed after a detailed analysis of: a) the potential benefits of “Local Story-tellers” for the Tourism Industry; b) needs of performance of welfare/social professionals; c) elderly peoples’ inclusion and Valorisation; d) needs of disabled people, old people and people in risk of exclusion; e) good practices on the field.
This IO is the result of:
- 60 interviews to Tourism Professionals, VET Trainers and SMEs Representatives of the Tourism Sector;
- 200 questionnaires from welfare/social professionals, VET Trainers on social areas and SMEs or private social solidary institutions.
- 20 interviews to welfare/social professionals dealing with elderly people;
- Benchmarking, analysing the existence of social VET courses related with the valorisation and inclusion of life-span experiences of elderly people.
- 4 roundtables involving experts such as Tourism Professionals, VET Trainers from tourism or social areas, SME Representatives from the Tourism and Welfare/Social Professionals
Finally, a Publication of the main findings – “Social Inclusion of Local Storytellers in the Tourism Industry” – is developed.
TSITour Training Platform, Resources and Pilot
A module and related resources addressed to trainees from VET courses in the social areas providing knowledge, skills and competencies to create, implement and evaluate a Project on Social Intervention using tourism as case study. These online platform contents are validated through 2 pilotings, involving VET students and elderly people implementing the acquired knowledge.
This IO is piloted by 12 Social Workers, 12 Trainees and 24 elderly people through online and face to face activities, thus ensuring an effective methodology for its future exploitation.
A Final Publication is developed – “VET Module on Project Development for Social Inclusion – Tourism as case study”-, providing accurate description of TSITour’s methodology and main conclusions and results.
Stories of places and lives:
As part of the project, extra videos in which older people told anecdotes and memories relating to some places in their cities were recorded