Associated Organizations

People Behind ΑΜΚΕ
People Behind is a non-profit organization working for a society for all ages. Its mission is to empower and activate people 65+ through life long-learning, digital education, intergenerational activities and volunteerism. People Behind began the first University of Third Age in Athens in early 2020, offering to people 65+ a variety of workshops and activities designed specifically for this age group. After Covid-19, the organisation created the e-learning platform, e-Universtity for Third Age, where the beneficiaries follow weekly workshops, do their homework, express ideas and thoughts, and build relationships.

Aktios Elderly Care Units
Aktios, a colorful and vivid organization of elderly care with a capacity of 288 beds in 4 units, introduces a special and unique model of care! In Aktios’ units, Aktios and Aktios Alzheimer Unit located in Agia Paraskevi, Aktios Odigos in Vari, as well as Aktios Art Palace located in Maroussi, they emphasize in hospitality services, nursing care as well as stroke and bone fracture rehabilitation and provide specialized services for people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Aktios introduces a special and unique model of care. Nursing care, medical and neurological monitoring, individual and group activities with psychologists and social workers, as well as individual and group physiotherapy programs by specialized physiotherapists are provided daily. Aktios’ main concern is to provide care settings where residents and guests feel as safe and comfortable as they would at home, while at the same time enjoy hospitality, and specialized psycho-geriatric services.

Vocational Training School (EPAS) Kozanis
The Vocational Training Schools (EPAS) of Labour Force Employment Organisation (OAED) have been operating since 1952, successfully implementing the institution of Apprenticeship, the educational system that combines theoretical and laboratory training in the classroom, with paid Apprenticeship (implementation of a workplace learning program) in private and public sector companies. The duration of study at EPAS OAED is 2 years (4 semesters). During the whole period of study, the student attends his/her classes in the classroom in the afternoon, while in the morning he/she works as a trainee in a business. The aim is for students to have professional experience in real working conditions by the end of their studies.
Phone number: 2461020041, 20169,20280

Athens Development and Destination Management Agency (ADDMA)
ADDMA supports Athens’ ongoing evolution as a contemporary European capital by designing, planning and implementing a wide range of projects and actions throughout its metropolitan area. ADDMA makes every effort to promote Athens as an attractive year-round destination for business and leisure travellers. ADDMA operates the Athens Convention & Visitors Bureau (ACVB), the city’s official Destination Management Organisation. It also operates, “This is Athens with a Local” which is a platform that allows tourists to meet Athenians and explore the city through their eyes, by booking a thematic walk.

La Libera Università popolare ” Danilo Dolci” – Auser is composed by people who studies and volunteers so that the new generation remember that the third age is always alive and can always give help to those who need it. Auser is a voluntary and social promotion association, committed to promoting the active aging of the elderly and enhancing their role in society, an association for which the person is the protagonist and a resource for himself and for others in all ages. The aims are: to improve the quality of life, to combat all forms of social exclusion and discrimination, to spread the culture and practice of solidarity and participation, to value the experience, skills, creativity and ideas of the elderly, to develop relationships of solidarity and exchange with the younger generations.

Salus Soc Coop Sociale, is an organization that comprehends structures that welcomes elderly people who, for health or family reasons, can no longer reside at their home. The central structure is Villa Loide. Villa Loide takes care of its guests not only by providing them with health and social assistance services, but also by making their stay pleasant from a human point of view, giving central importance to the relationship that can be established both in the group of patients and between patients and staff working in the structure. Villa Loide guarantee its guests an entertainment service which is of central importance in the life of the guests, ensuring interaction between patients and stimulating their cognitive activity.
Email: –

Accademia della Cultura, a non-profit cultural association, began its activity within the Gianì Theater in Partinico in 2015. In the years to come, various collaborations were born for musical and theatrical courses, advanced training courses, experiences with schools and families in the cultural sphere linked to the promotion of territory, traditions and local tourism. Accademia della Cultura is in fact the protagonist of the cultural life of the area by organizing cultural meetings, initiatives and conferences with the participation of authoritative exponents of the university world and of Sicilian culture in general.

SE.TER.SAS – OSSO ANIMAZIONE is an organization that deals with public relations, promotional services, organization of events and conferences with particular regard to the tertiary sector, realization of courses and training activities, scientific research in the various areas of social and political reality, economic, cultural, historical and tourist promotion in the Partinico area and beyond. The core business of is OSSO Animazione, wich is active in the head of the creation of services for assistance and care for citizens and activities related to the sectors of tourism, leisure, culture and sport, including tourist entertainment services, recreation, tourist intermediation between accommodation facilities and their customers, tour operating.

The Istituto Di Istruzione Superiore Statale “Danilo Dolci” in Partinico is a VET school that trains, among others, future professionals in the field of welfare and social assistance. A whole class of 13 students interested in social care and elderly care topics was involved in the pilot test of TSITour project.

MACUR – Movimento de Assistência, Cultura, Urbanismo e Recreio
MACUR is an IPSS, recognised as a Public Utility, located in the parish of Rio Meão, Portugal, and has as its Mission the support of children/young people and the protection of citizens in old age and disability, providing a personalised quality service. It offers complementary responses that contribute to the development of the community, promoting solidarity and cooperation between individuals, in a continuous improvement perspective.

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Espinho
SCME’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of its population, working integrally in the Community, creating and developing services in the social and health areas appropriate to people’s needs, promoting solidarity, quality of life and human dignity.

Centro Social de Paramos
Centro Social de Paramos is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity, Non-profit, located in the Parish of Paramos, Municipality of Espinho and operates a Nursery, Kindergarten and CATL, Day Centre, Home Support Service and Residential Structure for the Elderly. It also has a Community Centre, promotes the SMACTE Street Team (Mobile Community Support Service).

Centro Comunitário de Esmoriz
CCE is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity of public utility founded on 21 November 2000. In the origin of its foundation was the need to give continuity and to extend the social intervention carried out by a project of Fight Against Poverty, especially directed to the fishing communities of Esmoriz and Cortegaça, Portugal. Inherent to its foundation and consolidating its identity built up over the years is the specialised intervention with individuals and families in exclusion or at risk of social exclusion.

Câmara Municipal de Espinho
Câmara Municipal de Espinho is the executive body of Espinho Municipality, local authority and legal person of public law.
Tourism website:

Câmara Municipal de Ovar
Câmara Municipal de Ovar is the executive body of Ovar Municipality, local authority and legal person of public law.

Câmara Municipal de Santa Maria da Feira
Câmara Municipal de Santa Maria da Feira is the executive body of Santa Maria da Feira Municipality, local authority and legal person of public law.

RivieraTur – Viagens & Turismo, Lda.
Tour company that operates in Portugal. Travel Agency located in Válega, municipality of Ovar.

Museo Etnográfico de Castilla y León (Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León)
The Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León shows the ethnographic heritage of our region, in its broadest sense, and a centre for anthropological research and documentation, conservation and dissemination of the testimonies of traditional culture in the Autonomous Community. It is based in the city of Zamora.

Peromato is a socio-cultural action movement that seeks to create a space for participation, respect and understanding of diversity for all citizens of Zamora. It is meeting point which bring opportunities for participation to everybody by offering a weekly agenda full of activities, accessible leisure alternatives, exhibition space for local artists and a place available to all local cultural agents. They count with a group of professionals who, if necessary, to facilitate the participation of people who need support due to a situation of disability and dependence.

Elderly Day Care Centre (Centro de Día Ilustración):
The Illustration day-care centre is designed for the elderly to share their day to day with other people, within a stimulating environment full of activities that help them improve their well-being and quality of life. The centre is located in the heart of the Pilar neighbourhood (Madrid), with small businesses and family homes. In addition, it is very well connected with different bus stops and subways around it. Some of the services they provide for the elderly are neuropsychologist, social worker, occupational therapy, physiotherapist and leisure activities.

IES Príncipe Felipe – VET school
It is a public centre in the heart of the Pilar neighbourhood, in Madrid. The centre offers a full educative programme, from high school education to VET courses at all levels. Apart from the official education programmes, this high school/ VET school offers plenty of activities to the students: from literature contests to the participation in projects at European level.
El Pardo
Despite it’s being a crucial place to many of the most important events in the History of Spain since the 14th Century, El Pardo remains unknown to many people. Virginia and Mª Carmen Delgado Montejo started the touristic tours that they currently offer to let the people know about the History of this symbolic place – which is the current residence of the Spanish Royal Family -. Through the website “”, these two sisters work together since 2012 to introduce the Royal Site of El Pardo to the visitors, disseminate their activities and their neighbourhood.